How has the buying cycle changed since the advent of the Internet? Tremendously! “Consumers today tend to want to shop anonymously, they may be 80% along the buying curve by the time they talk to a salesperson. They are well-educated as to what you offer and have already comparison shopped you. The challenge is to […]
COVID-19 caught us all off guard. Now it’s time to digitally meet and overcome the challenge! “The COVID pandemic has threatened us all. And as we all are aware, a much more significant threat to those compromised by pre-existing illnesses and old age. Likewise, it’s going to prey on businesses that are bloated, lacking a […]
Hear about the spectrum of marketing background X-Factor founder Woody Stoudemire has experienced. “My marketing career has spanned thirty years- my first experience in marketing was pasting up ads with wax for them to be shot by a camera and transferred to film for printing. Later, the internet became a thing. Through my career, the […]
Many salespeople I run across these days are inherently lazy. They expect the internet to replace the outreach, customer visits, and trade show trips to secure new accounts. One of my least favorite exercises is sitting in a conference room with a sales group brainstorming the one key phrase that will open the floodgates to […]